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来源 : 美术学院     作者 : 美术学院     时间 : 2024-10-21


姓名: 张娇,哲学博士(风景园林方向)

办公电话: 0571-28865758

邮  箱: 20240025@hznu.edu.cn

指导专业 环境艺术


城市蓝绿基础设施 / 可持续景观 / 文化遗产 / 景观特征评估




东京大学(日本)生产技术研究所 特任研究员

千叶大学(日本)博士 风景园林

浙江大学 硕士 风景园林学

山东农业大学 学士 园林




1. Zhang, J(张娇).; Li, D.; Ning, S.; Furuya, K. Sustainable Urban Green Blue Space (UGBS) and Public Participation: Integrating Multisensory Landscape Perception from Online Reviews. Land (SSCI, IF=3.905, JCR Q2) 2023, 12, 1360.

2. Zhang J(张娇), Wang Q, Xia Y, Furuya K. Knowledge Map of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development: A Visual Analysis Using CiteSpace. Land (SSCI, IF=3.905, JCR Q2 ). 2022; 11(3):331.

3. Xu, T.+; Zhang, J+(张娇).; Shao, L.; Wang, X.; Zhang, R.; Ji, C.; Xia, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, J.; Li, D. Later Growth Cessation and Increased Freezing Tolerance Potentially Result in Later

Dormancy in Evergreen Iris Compared with Deciduous Iris. Int. J. Mol. Sci (SCI, IF=6.208, JCR Q1). 2022, 23, 11123. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms231911123

Shi Y+, Zhang, J+(张娇), Shen X, Chen L, Xu Y, Fu R, Su Y, Xia Y. Designing Perennial Landscapes: Plant Form and Species Richness Influence the Gaze Perception Associated with Aesthetic Preference. Land (SSCI, IF=3.905, JCR Q2). 2022; 11(10):1860.


5. Zhao L, Zhang J(张娇), Duan R, Xu C. Development and Challenges of China’s Ecological Non-Commercial Forest Certification Policy. Forests (SCIE, IF=3.282, JCR Q1). 2023; 14(2):214. https://doi.org/10.3390/f14020214

6. Danqing Li+, Lingmei Shao+, Jiao Zhang(张娇), Xiaobin Wang, Dong Zhang, David P Horvath, Liangsheng Zhang, Jiaping Zhang, Yiping Xia, MADS-box transcription factors determine the duration of temporary winter dormancy in closely related evergreen and deciduous Iris spp., Journal of Experimental Botany (SCI, IF=7.298, JCR Q1), Volume 73, Issue 5, 2 March 2022, Pages 1429–1449, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erab484

7. Li, D., Zhang, J(张娇)., Zhang, J., Li, K., & Xia, Y. (2017). Green Period Characteristics and Foliar Cold Tolerance in 12 Iris Species and Cultivars in the Yangtze Delta, China, HortTechnology hortte (SCIE, IF=1.387, JCR Q3), 27(3), 399-407. Retrieved Nov 23, 2022, from https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH03692-17


8. Wang Q, Luo S, Zhang J(张娇), Furuya K. Increased Attention to Smart Development in Rural Areas: A Scientometric Analysis of Smart Village Research. Land (SSCI, IF=3.905, JCR Q2). 2022; 11(8):1362. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11081362

9. Wang, H.; Xie, J.; Luo, S.; Ta, D.T.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, J(张娇).; Su, D.; Furuya, K. Exploring the Interplay between Landscape Planning and Human Well-Being: A Scientometric Review. Land (SSCI, IF=3.905, JCR Q2).2023, 12, 1321. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12071321

10. Zhang J, Li D, Shi X, Qiu S, Wei J, Zhang J(张娇), et al. Mining and expression analysis of candidate genes involved in regulating the chilling requirement fulfillment of Paeonia lactiflora ‘Hang Baishao’[J]. Bmc Plant Biology (SCIE, IF=5.260, JCR Q1),2017,17(1):262. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-017-1205-1

11. Xian, Z., Nakaya, T., Liu, K. Zhang J(张娇)et al. The effects of neighbourhood green spaces on mental health of disadvantaged groups: a systematic review. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11, 488 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-02970-1

12. 夏宜平,刘丹丹,张娇.花海的科学性与可持续性景观探讨[J].园林(省级期刊),2016(02):16-21.

13. 季晨曦,邵灵梅,张娇,张佳平,夏宜平,李丹青.鸢尾属蝴蝶花新品种紫霞仙子’[J].园艺学报(北核,CSCD,2023,50(S2):121-122.DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0509.


14. Jiao ZHANG(张娇), Qian WANG, Katsunori FURUYA. Systematic review of bibliometrics-based spatial planning and sustainable development. (SPSD 2021) International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Nov 2021, Nanjing, China.

15. Qian WANG, Jiao ZHANG(张娇), Katsunori FURUYA. Analyzing the scientific evolution of Smart Village Research using science mapping. (SPSD 2021) International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Nov 2021, Nanjing, China.


16. 张娇.带酒精检测器的方向盘:CN201020254646.X[P].CN201721494U[2023-09-04].


17.李丹青,张娇,李康,邱帅,张佳平,魏建芬,孙丽娜. 鸢尾属花菖蒲“夏日海浪”,国家林业和草原局植物新品种保护办公室,公开,20221623,申请日2022119


18. Zhang J Zhang J(张娇), Iris LAVENDER GLOW FAIRY(SPEC), American Society of Iris, 2017

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